How to block someone on imo
How to block someone on imo

Step 5: There is a button that you can tap to uninstall. It is in the left corner of the screen.The contact’s information page will open. You want to block that contact.This will open their page. Step 3: To block a person, you have to select one. It is in the bottom-right corner of the screen.You can find it in the top-right corner of the screen. The app icon is similar to a speech bubble on a white background.If you aren’t signed into imo on your phone, you’ll need to enter your preferred name and phone number. You can learn how to block someone on chat and unblock them.You have to have a chat history with the person in order to block them on Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology.McGill University Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

how to block someone on imo

Vancouver International Airport YVR CYVR.Emily Carr University of Art and Design.

how to block someone on imo

  • Colleges and Universities in Vancouver Region public.
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology.

  • How to block someone on imo